2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A
Summary report for research entitled with causes and remedial measures of traffic accident in federal roads
Author(s): Kefale Adefris
Abstract: Despite having low road network density and vehicle ownership, Ethiopia has a relatively high accident records. Data obtained from Federal Transport Minister shows the vehicle ownership in Ethiopia is 1 vehicle per 145 populations; however on average 14 people per day died in Ethiopian roads due to traffic accident. Ethiopia losses 3.155 billion ETB from subsequent resource damage within 8 years (2008 to 2016) due to traffic accident, which constructs more than 158km asphalt road. This study is carried out to identify the main causes of traffic accidents in federal roads and to recommend possible countermeasures. To achieve the objective of the research both primary and secondary data were used. The secondary data was obtained by collecting the three year traffic accident record starting from 2015/16 – 2017 /18 which occurs within the selected road section. Using non random sampling Asella-Bekoji, Adama-Metehara, Sebeta- Tulubolo, Combolcha-Dessie, Modjo-Ziway, Alemgena- Lemen, Dejen-Debremarkos and Bure- Dembecha road were selected as sample population. To identify the black spot the Flamish government formula and accident frequency method were used. The results of accident rate and accident severity index shows that, the traffic accident is very sever; the accident severity index of up to 55 and accident rate of 3.5 Mvkm (million vehicle kilometer) was obtained. Based on analysis, the main causes of traffic accident are; over speeding, not giving priority for pedestrian, not giving priority for vehicle, following too close, lack of traffic sign, poor pedestrian behavior and incompetency of the driver. Human factors, particularly driver behavior accounts up to 82% of the total accident. High number of accident occurred during good weather condition (87%), on good asphalt (95%) and with vehicles which have no defect (84%). Overturning collision and collision with pedestrian were the leading types of collision, they results up to 43 and 45% of the total accident respectively. Generally common problems were identified within black spot location. Installing rumble strips to control over speeding, providing traffic hazard light to prevent run off accident, installing traffic sign to providing information for driver and pedestrian, creating awareness, making road safety policy and enforcement, improving sight distance and modernizing accident data recording system is recommended based on observed problems.
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How to cite this article:
Kefale Adefris. Summary report for research entitled with causes and remedial measures of traffic accident in federal roads. Int J Res Civ Eng Technol 2023;4(1):11-19.