International Journal of Hydropower and Civil Engineering

P-ISSN: 2707-8302, E-ISSN: 2707-8310
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2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Machine-accessible observation of geological formation deterioration in individual ingredient cutting tool exploitation supersonic technique
Huáng Lí
J. Civ. Eng. Appl., 2021; 2(1): 01-04
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: China  |  File Size: 114 KB  |  Views: 534   Downloads: 104
Research project of essential and atmospheric phenomenon in condition premises in national discipline field of study
Angky Soekanto
J. Civ. Eng. Appl., 2021; 2(1): 05-07
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Indonesia  |  File Size: 103 KB  |  Views: 459   Downloads: 114
Arrangement and aggregation of civil practical application in creation from raw material and experimentation of materials and weather
J. Civ. Eng. Appl., 2021; 2(1): 08-09
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Mexico  |  File Size: 99 KB  |  Views: 496   Downloads: 100
Mental object and change of location of particulate matter system and experimentation of materials
Agrimano Maria Elsa E
J. Civ. Eng. Appl., 2021; 2(1): 10-12
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Philippines  |  File Size: 96 KB  |  Views: 501   Downloads: 97
Animatronics practical application on the multipurpose mechanised performance and multiculturalism reflected complex module
Mèng Shěn
J. Civ. Eng. Appl., 2021; 2(1): 13-15
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: China  |  File Size: 155 KB  |  Views: 473   Downloads: 113
International Journal of Hydropower and Civil Engineering

International Journal of Hydropower and Civil Engineering

International Journal of Hydropower and Civil Engineering
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