International Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction

P-ISSN: 2707-8329, E-ISSN: 2707-8337
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2023, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A

Liquification of soil during earthquakes: Potential of soils

Author(s): Ishika Mittal and Devesh Jaiswal

Abstract: During earthquakes the ground shaking may cause a loss of strength that results in the settlement of buildings, landslides, the failure of earth dams and many other hazards. This process of Loosing of strength is called soil liquefaction. This phenomenon is associated primarily, with saturated cohesionless soils.In all Large Earthquakes, Soil Liquification is observed and in some cases, it has caused much damage. The destructive effects of soil liquefaction were brought to the attention of engineers by the disastrous 1964 earthquake in Niigata, Japan. This earthquake caused more than $1 billion in damages, due mostly to widespread soil liquefaction. For critical structures, such as nuclear power plants and large earth dams, the possibility of liquefaction presents serious engineering problems.

Pages: 17-20 | Views: 621 | Downloads: 289

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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction
How to cite this article:
Ishika Mittal, Devesh Jaiswal. Liquification of soil during earthquakes: Potential of soils. Int J Civ Eng Constr 2023;2(1):17-20.
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction

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